Bosch NBE-7702-ALXT Bullet 2MP HDR X 10.5-47mm IP66/67 IK10


Bosch NBE-7702-ALXT Bullet 2MP HDR X 10.5-47mm IP66/67 IK10

Sale price$1,981.00


  • Starlight X technology for next level low-light performance with maximum detail
  • HDR X - High Dynamic Range to see every detail in both bright and dark areas of the scene without HDR motion blur and artefacts
  • IVA Pro brings highly reliable deep-learning based detection of persons and vehicles to scenes ranging from sterile zones to crowded and congested
  • Powerful long range (850nm) smart IR illumination up to 140 m (459 ft), optional invisible IR (940nm) or white light
  • Extremely robust and stable design with exceptional corrosion resistance for any outdoor application including traffic monitoring, critical infrastructure and perimeter security

Bullet 2MP HDR X 10.5-47mm IP66/67 IK10