Dahua DSS8PRVDP DSS Pro V8 Video intercom channel license
Depending on your setup, one (1) DSS8PRVB Video Base License or one (1) DSS8PRDB Door Base License is required before adding channels.
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Depending on your setup, one (1) DSS8PRVB Video Base License or one (1) DSS8PRDB Door Base License is required before adding channels.
Depending on your setup, one (1) DSS8PRVB Video Base License or one (1) DSS8PRDB Door Base License is required before adding channels.
- Depending on your setup one (1) DSS8PRVB Video Base License or one (1) DSS8PRDB Door Base License is required before adding channels.
- Use for one (1) VTO or one (1) VTH device DSS8PRDB Base License is required before purchasing additional licenses
DSS Pro is a comprehensive and expandable Dahua VMS for flexible, scalable, reliable and powerful central management. With client-server architecture, DSS Pro provides central management, information sharing, convenient connections, and multi-service cooperation. The software provides basic functions such as user permission management, device management, alarm management, and central storage, but also delivers advanced features of video wall and map configuration, access control features, video intercom, attendance, and analytic functions such as face detection and object detection. It also integrates add-ons such as business intelligence and traffic surveillance.
- Integrates All Management Functions into One Client
- Allows Device Initialization and Management
- Live Video Playback from Edge Device
- Supports Access Control and Video Intercom Integration
- Configure Video Wall Layout and Scheme
- Offers Fisheye Camera Dewarping on Live View
One VDP device license of DSSPro V8, this license can be used for one VTO or VTH device.